Wednesday, October 20, 2010

long overdue (cont.)

Here's some more stuff from the spring show. The photos were taken on my broken point and shoot camera so the photos aren't that great.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Long overdue

So I'm going to start showing spring show stuff over the next couple of weeks. I'll start with my stuff and then move on to everyone else. I hope you enjoy the photos. Also, if You know who created the piece, please comment their name. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fired stuff

Hey everyone, 2 of my marionettes just came out of the kiln! Here's a sneak peek!

Friday, October 8, 2010


My Friends are selling a book, you should check it out and buy it! It's an art book/ portfolio thing with tons of great paintings/illustrations. Here a link to my buddy Andrew's blog where you can read a little more about it. Mooshes are in it!

some stuff!

Hey everyone, I ended up getting a job soon after posting my last blog and then school started, and now I have 3 jobs and school to keep up with. It's been a busy past couple of months and I have a bit to show. Instead of doing things in a logical way I'm going to start with some of my most recent stuff from school and over the days or weeks I'll probably work back to the spring show. But here are some pics of the 1st three marionettes of the semester. Oh yeah, just so you know these aren't the final glaze fired peices, but I should have pictures of the final firing next week.

Monday, June 21, 2010


I've been working on some one point perspective stuff this past week. I'm Having my Buddy Andrew teach me because I wanna dabble in everything. This is what I have so far. hopefully I can finish it without getting overwhelmed with other things.

Monday, June 7, 2010

unfinished stuffs

here's another unfinished/finished painting, I might go in and do a little bit more with the background and try to rough in the skull...we'll see.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


So this week has been kind of productive, been a few social events taking place, but I still managed to get some work done. I did a Moosh quick study and the other two are from a workshop we set up in my garage. I'm pretty rusty working with paints, but hopefully with more practice i'll get better.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sculpting fun

So i decided to make a sculpture of one my creatures yesterday and started thinking I should work on some anatomy SO i made a creature with human anatomy! I'd like to incorporate hints of human anatomy into my creatures, but not as much as shown in the pictures. I'd really like it if people could make the connection that my art represents a being trying to find themselves and trying on the different masks that define who they are or could be, so with human anatomy people could maybe take it a step further and say that these are people like us who have either lost themselves and are trying to find out where they stand in the grand scheme of things or simply people who are trying out new things. That little rant was me trying to figure out a piece of my artist statement or whatever.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Affordable Plush for Everyone!!!

I've lowered the prices of the 20" Mooshes to $25. I really want my stuff to be affordable and I want as many people to have a chance to get them as possible. Tell your friends and family. If you are interested in a moosh send me an e-mail at or find me at

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

merf fu derf

Been pretty busy these past couple days. Woke early yesterday morning and went to set up for the spring show, it took all day and was pretty draining -_- but everything is looking good, I'll have pictures in a couple days. Today I started work on the backpack for the film, so far it's pretty damn cute.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

First post

Crazy times ahead, I got two of my ceramic sculpture tryptics into the Academy of Art Spring show, working on some stuffed animals for a feature film one of my friends is making and have a ton of plans for the summer. I'll post some images within the next week or so of the spring show and some of the other projects I'm working on plus some sketches of creatures.