Just completed and shipped out Miniboss! It's been a long morning of running back and forth from USPS to UPS and waiting in line. I gotta find a better way to ship these guys out, any suggestions? I also Shipped out Shadowboss, I hope these guys make it to their respective homes safe and sound.
I received two more customs to work on today and I'm pretty excited. I get to work on my first 8" dunny, woohoo! The other is a 5" Smorkin' labbit. Stay tuned, I'll have plenty of pictures(maybe too many?) soon :)
Hi Everyone, I just finished my Shadowboss series! This was a lot of fun and I can't wait to get started on my next series, however I think I might do a stand-alone or two before...like conjoined twin SHADOWS!!!! You can pick them up from my shop http://stuffandwhatnot.bigcartel.com/ or click on the shop link on the top of the page. I hope you enjoy them and feel free to let me know what you think. Thanks
I just finished a new toy. I call him Gloom. He's part of a set of three including the Shadow boss and another yet to be named. I'm pretty psyched about these guys. I hope you enjoy! You can find them all in my shop as soon as they are finished(hopefully by the evening of the 24th)
Also, here's bucky! He's part of a smaller set of 3. The other 2 will be made as soon as I can get my hands on some primer XD
I added a shop for my customs and other random art that my come along, however my larger ceramic works will require an inquiry via email. Anyway, I hope you like it! You can click on the shop tab or click Stuff and Whatnot Shop As always, feel free to let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions :)